What Exactly is CBD?

CBD stands for cannabidiol, and is one of the most active ingredients in the marijuana plant alongside THC. THC is actually the psychoactive ingredient, meaning that CBD by itself does not cause a high. The World Health Organization asserts that research shows CBD creates no effects of dependence.

Is CBD Oil Legal?

It's understandable to be unsure about the legalities of CBD, because the laws are confusing and often contradict each other. Federally, CBD oil is not illegal, but many states still consider it as such. The rule of thumb is that the product must contain less than 0.3 percent THC. 

How Can I Use CBD?

CBD products uses are quite versatile in how they allow you to enjoy them. You can take it orally via a tincture, vaporize it with an electronic inhaling device, through edible gummies or foods, topical creams, and other health and beauty products. All CBD product uses are different and each form of intake and its effects may vary per the individual.

How Can I Use CBD?

Products are quite versatile in how they allow you to enjoy CBD. You can take it orally via a tincture, vaporize it with an electronic inhaling device, through edible gummies or foods, topical creams, and other health and beauty products. Each form of intake and its effects may vary per the individual.

Am I Safe to Use CBD Products When Facing Drug Tests?

While it's best to err on the side of caution, drug tests are generally searching for THC. Since high-quality CBD products contain less than 0.3% THC, the odds of testing positive are extremely remote, but not impossible. It may be best to discuss with your employer your reasons for using CBD medically.

How Much CBD Should I Use?

Each CBD product should feature a general recommended intake daily for their CBD benefits. Since mileage can vary, feel free to make small adjustments to try more or less for better results. For some, the CBD benefits happen over time, while others may experience relaxing benefits immediately.

Is Using CBD Safe?

Most scientific and medical research suggests that CBD is completely safe to use with one exception. If your particular CBD oil product contains a thinning agent, burning it will produce a carcinogen, which is harmful to your body. Shop smart and choose trusted CBD products, or avoid vaporizers to be sure.

What About Hemp vs. Marijuana?

Hemp and marijuana are different species from the same cannabis plant. Organic and conventional hemp strictly is derived from sativa, whereas marijuana can be either sativa or indica plants. Hemp contains higher amounts of CBD and smaller amounts of THC, whereas marijuana contains the inverse. There are THC alternatives available if that is your main concern with using Hemp products. 

Is There a Special Way to Store CBD Products?

CBD products generally require no special storage such as refrigeration. It's ideal to keep your products in your home, where you expect regular room temperatures and out of excess sunlight. Keep your products away from anywhere that might see high amounts of heat.

How Does CBD Make You Feel?

Users have reported differing levels of effects when using CBD, and medical studies are still not fully grounded to serve as proof of anything. We can confirm CBD product uses does not induce a high, and, in fact, works in a way that actively restricts the ability to get high. You may feel a small relaxing effect that can help you sleep as well as reduce effects of pain or anxiety.

How Does CBD Make You Feel?

Users have reported differing levels of effects when using CBD, and medical studies are still not fully grounded to serve as proof of anything. We can confirm CBD does not induce a high, and, in fact, works in a way that actively restricts the ability to get high. You may feel a small relaxing effect that can help you sleep as well as reduce effects of pain or anxiety.

What Do Users Claim to Use CBD For?

CBD users have reported that CBD products had some impact on their ability to deal with anxiety and depression. It also may be prescribed to help deal with those suffering from chronic pain or inflammation. It's possible relaxing effects can help insomnia, have some impact on certain mental disorder symptoms, and help with seizures. These CBD benefits are recorded from users, but not regulated as highly. However, the FDA has not confirmed any of these reports and studies are still ongoing.
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